Spread RION Technology and Value to the world RION Technical Journal

We will introduce the technologies accumulated through the passion and ingenuity in a detailed and easy to understand manner.
Please take a look.

Latest issue

Introduction of Vol. 10

  • THE 80th YEAR OF RION : Up to Now and Into the Future Supporting Daily Lives
  • PROJECT STORY : How might Biofluorescent Particle Counters Revolutionize the Pharmaceutical Industry?
  • HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY : Hearing Aids – Part II
  • NEW AND NOTABLE PRODUCT : Real-time Sound Source Identification System
  • FROM OVERSEAS : Thailand
  • LICENSING AND QUALIFICATIONS : Machinery Condition Analyst
  • FROM MY BOOKSHELF : Greetings from Outer Space

Cover Art: “Rings and a common kingfisher”

On the occasion of this 10th issue of the publication of RTJ, I’ve decided to depict Rion from a perspective that departs slightly from that of previous issues, which focused on Rion’s products and facilities. The ring in the Rion logo symbolizes hope and endless possibilities. Many rings connected to each other represent a flying up movement into the future. Given Rion’s deep roots in the local town, I also depicted a common kingfisher, a native bird of Kokubunji. The kingfisher is considered a lucky bird; an encounter or a sighting signals one’s wishes will come true. In that spirit, I wish with all my heart for the continued development of Rion.

By Yusuke Kitajima (woodblock artist)

Click the front cover image above to read it in e-book form.
(Articles can be downloaded and printed in PDF format)

Back number

The back number of RION Technical Journal is available.

The publication of the RION Technical Journal marks the end of Shake Hands. Volume 12 is the last issue.
The back issues of Shake Hands are available from the banner on the right.

Unite the World with Technology. Technical Journal of Rion, JAPAN Shake Hands